Recorded code from E-Robot mobile development sharing session on Sat, 18 Feb 2023. Feel free to ask any questions in comment section below.

What is Markdown?

  • Lightweight markup language
  • Help us creating formatted text using a plain-text editor

How it work

  • Firstly, we write plain-text with markdown syntaxes
  • Then, supported previewer like GitHub, VScode, or any markdown previewer, etc. will convert it to displayable with styles.


Uses of Markdown

  • GitHub
    • Documenting in .md file
    • Create Issue or Pull request
  • Blogs site
  • Static site generator like Jekyll


  • Headings
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Quote block
  • Code & Code block
  • Link
  • Image
  • Video (only work on some platform like GitHub)
  • List
    • Ordered & Unordered list
    • Task list (checkbox)
  • Table

